Welcome to the Cornell Fracture Group
The Cornell Fracture Group conducts both scientific and engineering research aimed at understanding and predicting the deformation and failure of structures. A primary scientific goal of the group is to illuminate and model the underlying physical mechanisms that control the failure of structural materials. Effort in this area supports the Group’s engineering objective to advance the capability to predict the deformation and failure of structures through the utilization of new knowledge and modeling techniques, considering the entire life cycle from manufacturing through end-of-life. Through its research, the Cornell Fracture Group strives to increase the standard of living across the globe by enabling better performing, lower cost, and more sustainable technologies.
Current technological focal points:
- Improving maintenance schedules and failure prediction of marine structures.
- Reliable additive manufacturing for aerospace structures.
- Enhancing materials performance in extreme environments, e.g. hydrogen.
Current toolset: from atoms to applications
- Atomistic modeling at ordinary time scales (FTS, TIS)
- Atomistic modeling under real environments (QM-CADD)
- Micromechanical modeling (Large deformations, remeshing, microstructural modeling)
- Machine learning and statistical modeling
- 3D (FRANC3D) and 2D (FRANC2D) crack growth